Your local Church family

Your local church family

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Church life

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Church life

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Our Services

Beautifully crafted leather products.

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Morning Service

Our 10.30 service normally lasts about 60 minutes, and contains all of what you might expect from a church service. We sing God's praise, we pray, and we listen to God’s word. There is Sunday School and we celebrate Holy Communion about once a month.

Afternoon Service

Our 4pm service is currently a repeat of the 10:30am service, although with a more informal setting as we sit around tables with tea, coffee and juice. So choose the time and style which suits you best. You will be very welcome to join us at either service.

Small Groups



From the Minister

“When I was 15 I went to church and told the minister, ‘I’m just here to keep my Mum happy, I’m not going to become a Christian!’ But when I opened the Bible and read about Jesus, what he said about my life and our world made perfect sense.”

What We Believe

We are an Anglican Church, committed to the core doctrines of historic Anglicanism, as expressed in the creeds, the 39 articles, and the Book of Common Prayer.

Explore Our Collection

Vulputate enim etiam sit eget. Neque nunc, sit interdum turpis. Amet tortor massa turpis urna elementum dolor.

relaxation and stress relief

Nam aliquet ante porta, gravida elit interdum, luctus porta sapien justo, at fringilla felis suscipit vestibulum.

feel more calm and at ease

Nam aliquet ante porta, gravida elit interdum, luctus porta sapien justo, at fringilla felis suscipit vestibulum.