What we do?

At Christ Church we seek to Know Christ and Make Christ Known. This has been our mission statement since our foundation in October 2002, and continues to be at the heart of all we do.

We talk about seeking to grow in three ways:

to grow deeper in our knowledge of Christ

to grow wider in reaching more people for Christ

to grow higher in pursuing Christ-like character together

We also reflect on what it means to live as a follower of Jesus Christ – and to help us to think about that, we talk about becoming


Meeting God Daily

Attending Church Weekly

Taking the Small Group Challenge

Using God-given gifts and resources

Reaching out in Love

Evangelistically Active

Sunday Services

Our principal source for knowing Christ is hearing his word preached every Sunday.

We have two services at Christ Church. Both services are attended by people between the ages of 0 and 80+, and are friendly and welcoming.

Children and Youth

At Christ Church we seek to nurture our children and young people in the faith, so that they will grow up as part of God’s covenant family, to know Jesus Christ as saviour and Lord. We recognise that this is the primary responsibility of parents, but as a church we seek to do all we can to support them in this.

We run the following groups:

Crèche for pre-school children

Locos – Sunday school for Reception to school year 2

On Track – Sunday school for those in school years 3–6

Outside of the regular church services, we also run these groups:

Mind the Gap for school years 7–9, which meets most Thursdays at 6.30–8pm during term time

The Junction for school years 10–13, which meets most Sundays at 5:45pm during term time

Small groups

We encourage everyone who considers themselves to be a member of Christ Church to be in a small group. We recognise the value of meeting together in a small group to enable bible study, prayer and encouragement.

We know this is not possible for everybody, so we also organise a programme of one-to-one bible studies to help one another grow in faith and discipleship.

We have Wednesday evening homegroups, a Wednesday morning small group for women (Connect), a daytime home group that meets on a Thursday, and an occasional Men’s Breakfast.

For more information about these groups contact the church office: office@christchurchgreenbank.org

Once a month we meet all together on a Wednesday evening for our ‘Your church’ Meeting to pray for the work of the church.


At Christ Church we seek to be evangelistically active.

We seek to ensure that all church services are welcoming, and that God’s word is clearly preached. We also run a number of special services during the year.

We also run various evangelistic events during the year.


All are welcome at Christ Church. We have large-print bibles and service sheets, wheelchair access and disabled toilets. Baby changing facilities are also available.