Why read the Bible?

For many people the Bible is a big book (usually black) with small print. It’s the kind of thing you swear on in court, or talk about – but not the kind of thing you read. After all, it was written a long time ago, so why read it? Three reasons:

Because in the Bible we encounter Jesus.

Lots of people will tell you who they think Jesus is. But reading the Bible is the only place where you can really find out about what Jesus said and who Jesus is. There are four books called gospels which are all about Jesus’ life: the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you are interested in reading the Bible then this is a good place to start. If you want a gospel to read then contact the church office or drop in when the church is open.

Because the Bible shows us how to live.

Again, most people think the Bible is a book of things not to do. And of course there is plenty of that – after all, if you want to know what to do, you need to know what not to do. But the Bible is much more than that. It is a book given to us by our creator God, to teach us about how to live.

Because the Bible is God’s Word.

The Bible is God’s chosen means for communicating with the world he has created. If we want to know who God is, what he has done, and what that means for us today, if we want to know the answers to life’s big questions, if we want to know what Jesus is really like, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus, then we need to go to the Bible.

And that might then bring us to another question: how can I read the Bible?

Perhaps start with a gospel about Jesus – we have plenty available at Christ Church. Alternatively, if you would like a member of Christ Church to read the Bible with you, and help you think through what it is saying, then please contact the church office.